Instructor’s Corner

Reading lists and course outlines from other masters

Showing how masters from around the world use MM to light their students’ way on the path from cause to effect. Instructors click here to order a set of classroom-ready PDFs of Mastering ‘Metrics or Mostly Harmless Econometrics figures and tables. Please indicate the book requested in the email subject line.

UC Davis

Pierce Donovan

Pierce Donovan comes out of the “Stones Age” with an awesome course at UC Davis ARE. Check out his syllabus!

University of Washington

Jeffrey Arnold

Jeffrey is a quantitative social scientist at the University of Washington.  He put our data into R.  Take a look!

ITAM (Mexico City)

Alberto Simpser

Check out

Métodos de Investigación Aplicada Inferencia Causal
The syllabus can be found here.

Roanoke College

Alice Kassens

“[R]ipping the band aid off,” Roanoke’s Master Alice Kassens has decided to switch to MM for her Introduction to Econometrics course. You can follow along here.

Tilburg University

Ben Vollaard

At Tilburg in the Netherlands, Master Ben Vollaard uses MM in a hands-on Master’s course in econometrics.

Georgetown Law School

Neel Sukhatme

Master Neel Sukhatme uses MM for an awesome course on empirical analysis for lawyers and policymakers.

University of Notre Dame

Bill Evans

Grandmaster Bill Evans pairs MM with Wooldridge in an undergrad ‘metrics course.

University of Maryland

Laura Kawano

Maryland Master Laura Kawano uses MM for a Master’s course
on program evaluation.

University of Tokyo

Yoshito Takasaki

Here’s a cool course in applied metrics for public policy students built around MM, offered by master Yoshito Takasaki at the University of Tokyo.  Masters are everywhere!

University of Maryland

Sebastian Galiani

At Maryland, maestro Sebastian Galiani uses MM as the ‘metrics text in a wide-ranging intro course on development economics.

Cornell Institute for Public Affairs

Nancy Brooks

Along with general interest books like Ian Ayres Super Crunchers, Nancy Brooks uses MM
as a supplementary text for a stats/metrics course at Cornell’s policy school.

Università Bocconi

Tommaso Nannicini

At Bocconi in Milano, Maestro Tommaso Nannicini uses MM as the stand-alone text in a course on empirical methods.

UT Arlington

Mahmut Yasar

Master Mahmut Yasar uses MM for a course in Applied Business and Economics Data Analysis at UT Arlington.

San Jose State

Matthew Holian

Master Matt Holian uses MM with Stock and Watson for his undergrad ‘metrics class at San Jose State. 

Even better, Matt begins the class by screening the Kung Fu Pilot‘s awesome opener! (watch the scene here)

Harvard Kennedy School

Joshua Goodman

Master Joshua Goodman uses MM in his graduate course on analyzing education policy.


Ethan Lewis

Master Ethan Lewis pairs MM with Wooldridge in an applications-oriented undergrad course.


Master Stevefu

Master Stevefu uses MM along with Stock and Watson for his undergrad ‘metrics course.


Problems to go with the course.








Master Joshway

Master Joshway uses MM along with Stock and Watson and Mostly Harmless Econometrics in an undergrad ‘metrics class, required for MIT econ majors.


Problems to go with the course.